Protein (amino acid) is an important nutrient which is used as material which makes our body’s cells, enzyme, and hormone. Spirulina contains about 70% of high quality protein. Spirulina contain 18kinds of amino acid including an essential amino acid and a nonessential amino acid.
2. Plenty of colors like chlorophyll, carotenoid, and so on.
Spirulina contain abundant natural color like green chlorophyll, blue phycocyanin, orange or yellow carotenoid. Chlorophyll is helpful to support circulation in the body and also it gets attention for the care of tired body and (drunken body). Spirulina contain beta-carotene and zeaxanthin as carotenoid and these natural colors is important constituent for reviewing dietary habit.
Standard intake of carotene is 5~15mg for person each day. In case of vegetable, it is same as taking total 300g of vegetables including 200g of brightly colored vegetables and 100g of light-colored vegetables. The required amount of beta-carotene changes vitamin A in body. Lack of vitamin A makes body worse like getting trouble easily, so let’s use spirulina to review fragile dietary life.
3. Vitamin B12 which is likely to be lacked
(Vitamin is considered to be contained by vegetables but B12 is contained by ) Spirulina is algae nevertheless it contains more vitamin B12 than liver and oyster.
4. Linoleic acid which control extra oil
Recent years extra oil of body is reported by TV. Spirulina contains plenty of linoleic acid, gamma linolenic acid. Especially these constituents are unable to make in the body, so it is necessary to take them everyday.
5. Alkaline food
Spirulina is an alkaline food. It is necessary to eat both alkaline food and acid food well however dietary life of modern people who are chased by time is likely to contain acid food more than alkaline food. It is spirulina that support such people’s dietary life.
How to drink spirulina
Take 40 tablets daily. The dosage may be adjusted according to your weight and health condition as needed.
It doesn’t need to take exact standard amount. It is just standard amount so please adjust the amount according to the quantity of diet and physical condition on that day.
Spirulina is a food which has high effect of calming intestinal disorders so some people get diarrhea. If you get diarrhea, please try to continue taking 1 or a few tablets. If your condition gets better, please increase gradually the amount of tablets you take.
People who become constipated by taking 5 tablets may take little water. If you become constipated, please take more water and see how your condition goes.
Spirulina has a function which increases lactic bacterium and probiotic bacteria so we also recommend to take it with yoghurt and lactic acid bacteria beverage.
For children, 1 or a few tablets is a standard amount per day. Please crush tablets with back of spoon and mix with milk and juice to give baby and infant who can’t swallow tablets.
Made in Japan
Our plant in Yamanashi prefecture, Japan, made it and delivers it directly. We always offer high quality of spirulina under the strict control.
This spirulina 100% is made in our plant which locates in Minami Arupusu city Yamanashi Prefecture and delivered. Our company have No1 share of spirulina in Japan. Now, we have developed and we can export to Asian countries and Europe and North America. We are Japanese company that has been offering high quality spirulina, which is helpful for many people’s health, for about 35 years since 1980.
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